
is a platform for publishing, sharing and archiving syllabi.




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Pierre Depaz, Jörg Blumtritt
While our relationships between ourselves, our environment, and other people are inherently political, computer technologies and technology companies consistently claim to remain “neutral”. This course will assume the opposite —software is political—, and focus on how software applications share commonalities with political systems, how they affect their users as political actors and how we can build alternatives or improvements to those systems. This course is aimed at deconstructing the design and implementation of software as a political medium, such as Facebook’s timeline algorithm, city officials’ use of computer simulations to orchestrate urban life, blockchain-backed proof of ownership and algorithmic criminal assessment. Along with an introduction to political theory and media studies, coupled with an exploration of the underlying political impacts of those systems, students will work on several hands-on projects to offer functioning alternatives to those systems. To that end, this course will include several workshops in JavaScript, Python and Unity.


contains 3 syllabi

This collection focuses on the investigation, application and discussion of ethics in computer science. Some of the topics touched upon are: data justice, algorithmic accountability, politics of digital representation. Originally sourced from:


Common Syllabi
Prototype Fund (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung)
This is the official account of Cosyll, which uploads syllabi on behalf, and with the consent of, fellow educators.
Common Syllabi has uploaded 30 syllabi and has created 1 collections.


Cosyll is an infrastructure for open-access of syllabi and curricula; it is a place where we can meaningfully search, archive, distribute and reference syllabi.

Whether to have a convenient place to publish your classes for your personal portfolio, to see how a similar class is being taught at another university, in another country, or to find inspiration in your peers' works, Cosyll focuses on exchange between teachers.

In this spirit, we encourage the sharing of documents one does not always easily find online: schedules, assignments descriptions, works cited and referenced, class wikis, etc. You can get started by contributing a syllabus.